Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does it take the US Patent Office to grant a patent?

The average wait time for a patent to be granted is approximately     24 months.

Q: How many patent applications does the US Patent Office receive annually?

The US PTO receives about 500,000 applications each year to be examined.

Q: What is the approval rate for patent applications being submitted to the US PTO?

The US PTO grants about 50% of the applications that it receives,    so keep in mind that the other 50% receive final rejections.

Q: Is there a difference between a provisional patent application and a non-provisional patent application?

Yes.  So don’t be misled.  The filing of a provisional patent application will not result in the granting of a patent. Only a non-provisional patent application has the possibility of earning the applicant a patent grant.

Q: Should I file for a patent on my own?

                                                                                                  No.  I lay out all the pros’ and cons why I believe that filing a          patent application without the help of an expert is a fool’s errand.

Q: Are trademarks and trade dress an effective means of protecting your invention or finished product?

In a word, absolutely!  I will teach you how to develop this and why this aspect should never be ignored, but expolred!

Q: What form of patent application do you favor? 

I favor a non-provisional patent application and I put forth my reasoning for it in detail in my handbook.  However, there are     certain circumstances where a provisional patent application is          most certainly warranted and should be filed first.  

Q: Can trademarks, a copyright or a product’s trade dress be as powerful as a patent?

Yes, they can.  I will explain the differences and teach you how to develop these protective measures for your particular invention or product.

Q: If you had to do it over, would you have chosen                    to become an inventor?

Yes!  But I want draw your attention to something.  From my experience; the idea, the invention or the dream will choose you.      In the end, it’s your decision whether you answer the calling!  If you ignore that calling and never attempt the journey, you may        set yourself up to be haunted all the days of your life...,                    wondering what might have been.  

Q: Is there any way to anticipate what it is like to become a successful inventor?

No, not really.  In your wildest dreams you won’t be able to anticipate the road ahead of you.  That's exactly why I wrote both of my books for you to read.  Based upon my experiences, it is impossible for you to know what lies ahead and how to properly prepare for it.

Q: How much does it cost to file for a patent?                                                                                             

Filing a proper patent application that's worth the paper it's      written on costs multiple thousands of dollars.      Patents aren't cheap!  That’s why if you want to file a proper       patent application, you must  at the very least, read my manual before you begin this process.       

Q: As an accomplished inventor, did you make any mistakes during your journey?

Yes.  But not a whole heck of a lot of them!  Allow me to clarify something for you.  The mistakes that I did make along the journey were not obvious to me at the time.  And those same pitfalls won’t be obvious to you unless you’ve had the benefit of reading my materials. During my journey, I didn’t have the benefit of a mentor pointing out the hidden pitfalls along the way.  Nevertheless, the few mistakes that I did make, nearly cost me the farm!  And that’s something you really
need to think about.

Q: Do you endorse those invention services that advertise
on the TV and the internet?

No!  You really need to read my book(s) and find out why you
shouldn’t either.  Let me give you some advice...  If your idea          has the potential of becoming valuable, then you need to "keep      your mouth shut until the time is right for you to expose it to      others."                                                                          Besides..., only you should be calling the shots..., no one else!

Q: Will either of your books help me if I have a business idea that I want to develop and eventually put in place?

Yes.  “The Greed of a Dime”  is a vivid account of how a total outsider without any formal business training or business contacts pulled off a business deal of the highest order.  “The World Class Inventors Handbook"  will teach you how to execute a business plan that focuses on how to develop, preserve, protect and then capitalize on your Intellectual Property.

Q: How would you best describe the inventing process?

Whether you’re inventing a new product, protecting your
intellectual property or bringing a new a new business plan to life..., this process is very much akin to playing chess against a grand master.

Q: Who can help me achieve my goal? 

For that, only a qualified guide will do.  You need a guide that has extensive real world experience and a guide who’s capable of mentoring you about the inventing process.  Most importantly, you need to align yourself with an individual who’s capable of teaching you how to anticipate your next move on this high stakes chessboard.

Q:  Do I have to have a patent to qualify as an inventor?                                                                                  

No, absolutely not!  In order to be a successful inventor, you        must be in possession of a valuable idea that you're willing to      protect by every means possible.  Having a solid trademark          and/or a comprehensive set of trade secrets is a very good          place to start and in many cases will be enough protection.    

Q:  Do I have to have a patent in order to protect my idea or product?

No, not necessarily.  A solid trademark and/or a comprehensive set of trade secrets in many instances may be sufficient.  However, be  mindful that the both your product & market specifics will dictate if it's best to obtain a patent for an additional layer of protection.

Check out Steve's   YouTube Channel

This website and these two books were born out of my experience as a backyard inventor. Before my journey was over, I would do things and go places that were beyond my wildest imagination.  The lessons learned and the information that I have to pass on to you are invaluable.  In this game, knowledge is power.

             Read The World Class Inventors Handbook and The Greed of a Dime.                    You’ll thank your lucky stars that you did.

Buy the 242 page soft cover book 8.5"x 11" for $17.95
Buy the eBook edition for $9.99

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